Friday, July 3, 2009


Last night I was watching a movie about vampire. It was a scary movie. I saw the vampire sucking blood . The vampire comes out of the coffin. She looked very fierce and unfriendly. The vampire pretends to be nice to people.She finds her prey and sucks their blood. When the movie was over I changed the channel because I not sleppy yet.

Suddenly,I saw an ugly vampire looking at me . I looked around me, I was not in my house. I was in this dark ......... scary room with only candles around. There were coffins and skeletons. I was so frightened that I tried to run out as fast as I could but there were no doors. I

SCREAMED my lungs out and ran again but I slipped and fell.

The vampire touched she touched me again and again and called out my name.I was surprised that she knew my name but I was too scared to open my eyes. Then the voice was very familiar.I looked up it was my father.I found myself in my livingroom. I had fallen asleep. It was only a bad dream.A NIGHTMARE!

Friday, June 5, 2009

sleeping beauty

Once upon a time there lived a king and queen who was very sad. They were sad because they did not have a child. One day a fairy had an idea"I have so many childrens so maybe I could give you one of the child to take care as a mother and father". "Are you sure?"asked king. "Only if you agree"said the fairy. Then, they agreed with the fairy. Once they had a child, they decided to have the little princess 1stbirthday party. They called all the faries except the BAD FAIRY .All the faries gave something to the princess. Suddenly, the bad fairy came marching in . "Howcome you can invite all the other faries except me?I am a fairy right?"said the bad fairy. "But you are a bad fairy "said the queen. "For that I shall put a curse on your little princes , she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel when she is 16 ". "She is gone"said the queen. "In a puff of smoke"said the king. Maby I can help? said the fairy . Everybody TURNED around and asked the fairy how? " I can put a spell on the little princess so that when the princess pricks her finger she will fall into a deep slumber until awaken by loves first kiss. As what the fairy has told it's true and it happened . She pricked her finger and fell asleep. Soon, all the people also fell asleep. One day,a handsome prince came ridding on his horse . "what in earth is all these plants doing around this castle, well nothing can bear my magic sword" said the prince. So he cut through all these plants .The bad fairy saw the prince cutting the plants and trying to get into the castle . Trying to get in the castle HUH?said the bad fairy. The bad fairy turned into a dragon to scare the prince away. I do want to get distracted by the dragon I need to get in quickly. So, he zoomed off . Finally he wen't to the princess room and saw her asleep and he he said"she is so beautiful I need to kiss her" he kissed her and she woke up . Everyone in the castle woke and lived happily ever after

One Dark Night!

It was a dark and scary night, when I was lying on my bed. I saw a dim light pass my bed. When I wanted to check what was, a cold hand touched me. I turned around to look who was that, but there was no one there. Then I herd a knock on my door! So I opened the door there was no one there. I got fed up! I felt long thin things touching me like sticks.
The tree branches scraped against the window like it was reaching for me! The wooden giraffe that is my mother’s started to walk! Suddenly I saw an ugly vampire looking at me. Then I heard my mother’s voice. I woke up and realised I was asleep. It was only a nightmare.